Complete the form to register yourself to the conference. Insert all the data then upload the copy of your payment. The registration will be considered only after the payment.

Choose your participation!

Please fill out the application form. If you are the author of more than one paper, fill out more than one form.

General Information of the Participant


THIS STEP IS MANDATORY. Please select the corresponding option
*VAT NOT INCLUDED. Springer Publication and Coffee Breaks are included.
*VAT NOT INCLUDED. Springer Publication and Coffee Breaks are included.
*VAT NOT INCLUDED. Springer publication included.
*People that do not pay for participation (as written in the regulations and in the call for papers)




*VAT NOT INCLUDED. Coffee Breaks are included.


Select the extras you want to add.
You can invite other people to the gala event. Please specify the number of guests. *VAT NOT INCLUDED
The tour will only take place when the minimum number of participants is reached. *VAT NOT INCLUDED.
You can invite other people to the Florence Tour. Please specify the number of guests. *VAT NOT INCLUDED.

Billing Information

Please fill out this form with the details of the person or Institution that will pay the participation fee

Your total

Fai clic o trascina il file su quest'area per caricarlo.

Payment Information

Once this request has been sent, the administrative secretariat of Firenze Heri-Tech will send the invoice relating to the payment, which must be made by bank transfer made out to: PALAZZO SPINELLI PER L'ARTE E IL RESTAURO ASSOCIAZIONE NO PROFIT Sede Legale: Via Maggio 13 - 50125 Firenze Codice Fiscale: 04913540482 Partita IVA: 04913540482 Unicredit – Filiale Via de' Vecchietti, 11 - FIRENZE IBAN: IT 88 D 02008 02837 000002552874
0,00 €
*VAT not included
Consent pursuant to Art.13 of EU Regulation no. 2018/679: In execution of the information notice, containing provisions for the protection of persons and other subjects with regard to the processing of personal data, the Applicant hereby consents to the processing of his/her personal data, for the purpose of handling this request for information. IN NO EVENT shall your data be transferred to third parties for any reason whatsoever.